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供应造粒生產線-風冷式(Pellet production line - Air cooling typ
当 前 价: -- 元/ 套
最小起订: 1.00 套
供货总量: 10.00 套
发 货 期: 60天内发货
所 在 地:
有效期至: 2030 年 09月 02日
最新供应 公司介绍
 经营模式: 生产型,
本公司共有 2 条同类“机械设备”供应信息。 查看其它→首条12末条

產品名稱 : 造粒生產線-風冷式(Pellet production line - Air cooling type)


用途  : 


選購配備  : 


特點  : 

1. 本機台設備完整,除特殊環境外,安裝簡易,即可使用、生產。

2. 混練室完全密封,操作安全簡便。

3. 本機採用開合式漏料方式,換色清洗簡便。


Product Name  :  Pellet production line - Air cooling type

Purpose  : 

Exclusively used for mixing soft and hard rubber and plastics, and high molecular composite materials.

Optional equipment  : 

IPC, HMI, PLC control, Inverter drive motor, Recorder(Amp, temp, or speed), Auto weighting system, All the models are CE certified.

Properties  : 

1. The table has complete equipment. It is easy to install, and can be used to produce immediately except special environments.

2. The mixing room is thoroughly sealed up, and it is safe, simple and convenient to operate.

3. The machine adopts the drop type for materials to come out. It is easy and simple to change colors and rinse.
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